The module Trial Balance and VAT is part of OPplus, the complete solution for financial management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, and it supports you in many areas of the application. Numerous convenient features are offered for companies working with the account schedules in Business Central:
- Convenient setup of the account schedule with the help of freely definable account groups
- Variable designations in the column layout, e.g., to display the month as a number or text
- Account statement, optionally for collective accounts as well as with individual customer and vendor listings
- Correct display of tipping accounts as assets or liabilities
In addition, meaningful total balance lists are offered, as they are known from other financial accounting systems. Furthermore, OPplus assists the user in the area of the turnover tax advance return:
- Representation of the consolidated tax data for tax groupings in terms of turnover tax advance return
- Plausibility checks through the enhanced VAT Account Statement
- Flexible setup as to whether the input tax is to be posted in the following month
Learn more about OPplus Trial Balance and VAT and download our factsheet
Download Factsheet OPplus Trial Balance and VAT