The module Extended Lists and Reports is part of the OPplus Finance Solution, certified for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
In optimized displays, you get a good overview of all or only the open entries of each G/L account, customer, and vendor account.
Along with entry comments and subsequent changes of posting descriptions and external document numbers, you can alter already posted documents appropriately.
If you have worked with other financial accounting systems before, you might need to catch some features in the standard application. OPplus closes this gap:
- Display further relevant information in the master data overviews (e.g., last dunning level, address details)
- Useful overviews of active customers/vendors and their entries posted
- Recording and display of entry remarks
- Display the balance accounts of a posting
- Summation of selected entries posted directly in the entry overview
- Creation and sending of balance confirmations
- Also important for the auditor: closing date-related Open Entry lists with the remaining amount as of today
Learn more about OPplus Extended Lists and Reports and download our factsheet
Download Factsheet OPplus Extended Lists and Reports