Continia Finance - Extended Financial Reports

Important information at a glance in optimized displays with Continia Finance Extended Financial Reports

With Extended Financial Reports, you can streamline and simplify the financial reporting process. The module offers several useful features for businesses that use financial reports in Business Central, giving you more flexibility by introducing General Ledger Account Groups instead of individual accounts in financial reports. You get access to total-balance lists and optimized displays of entries and entry comments on general ledger accounts. It provides accurate and comprehensive financial reports that will help you gain a better overview and make reporting much easier. 

It offers several useful features for businesses that use account schedules in Business Central, giving you the possibility to create flexible financial reports:

  • Balance - set up G/L account groups, assign accounts to schedule lines, manage asset/liability items, and ensure accurate vendor and customer displays.
  • Accounting proof - print proof for lines with account totals, conduct plausibility checks, and customize column layouts.
  • Total-Balance lists - access lists for G/L accounts, debtors, and creditors in an extended layout, with filter options and Excel output.
  • Sales VAT - generate summarized Sales VAT notifications. Possibility to generate VAT entries accounting proof at any time.
  • Purchase VAT handling - resolve issues related to purchase VAT deduction, ensure correct mapping of VAT entries, and manage VAT in sales and purchases.

Additionally, the module provides enhanced capabilities for efficiently managing and analyzing G/L accounts, customer accounts, and vendor accounts. It offers the following key functionalities:

  • Optimized display - access a comprehensive view of entries for each G/L account, ensuring easy navigation and efficient data management.
  • Open entry focus - clearer display of open entries for G/L accounts, customer accounts, and vendor accounts, improving your ability to track outstanding transactions.
  • Comprehensive reporting - generate optimized reports that present open entries for customers and vendors, simplifying financial analysis and reporting tasks.
  • Entry comments - use comments to enhance the clarity and context of entries within your G/L, customer, and vendor accounts.

Learn more about Continia Finance Extended Financial reports and download our factsheet

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