Auzilium AS

Auzilium is recognized in Norway as specialists in Microsoft Business Central, providing customized solutions of the highest technical, functional, and strategic quality. They focus on streamlining and optimizing their clients' business processes while ensuring strong internal controls and long-term stability. For over 10 years, they have partnered with clients to support organizations of all sizes with complex ERP needs. They challenge, inspire, and share ideas and best practice solutions from other leading organizations and advanced users. You might call them a bit nerdy, but they have a genuine passion and a drive to always be the best in the industry—best in knowledge, best in creative and innovative solutions, and best in delivering profitable results for you as a customer. As a premium partner, they are committed to providing world-class quality and flow for their customers.

Contact Info

(+47) 33 74 02 00


Veldig profesjonelle!
"Vi har benyttet oss av Auzilium i flere år og har dedikerte personer som vi jobber tett med. De har god forståelse av vår bedrift og forstår våre behov. I oppgraderingen fra Dynamics NAV 2018 til Business Central 365 var de veldig profesjonelle og sørget for at alt gikk smertefritt". Martin Tveten Evensen CFO, Steni AS
En pålitelig og dyktig partner!
«En pålitelig og dyktig samarbeidspartner med god fagkunnskap og løsningsorienterte medarbeidere. De forstår kundens behov, og kommer med forbedringsforslag for en mer effektiv hverdag». Jørgen Norheim Logistikk- og innkjøpssjef, Hasås AS